Jeet Victor
3 essential time management tips for better productivity
Sunday, August 17, 2014 18:53 No CommentsEffective time management is one of the most important life skills that one can master. It is no wonder that the most successful in any field seem to have the luxury of time with them. Obviously, the fact is that they do not have any more time than anyone of us- since time is perhaps [...]
The simplest financial success mantra
Monday, May 5, 2014 23:22 No CommentsMost of us crave financial success, by which I mean a sense of contentment that we have enough to take care of our immediate needs and wants for a reasonable length of time should circumstances go against us. Note that I am not referring to being “rich” here- which,of course, is another legitimate aspiration. However, [...]
The keys to business and career success
Thursday, July 12, 2012 19:16 No CommentsIn an insightful article on recently, Jeff Haden highlighted the key beliefs and perspectives of highly successful people in business. These beliefs resonate well with me; if you were to look around at the people whom you deem successful, I am certain that you will find them displaying most of these characteristics. Let’s look [...]
Success is not all about talent as we know it
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 18:46 No CommentsEvery time we see a person who has achieved significantly in a chosen sphere of activity, there is a natural tendency to admire the person’s talent. We attribute so much of success to ‘talent’, which is defined as something we are naturally endowed with.
Belief-the key ingredient for winning and success
Monday, July 9, 2012 17:18 No CommentsAsk any winner about his or her secret to success and it is almost certain that a deep inner belief about their ability to win or succeed will be one constant factor. Belief is the foundation on which success is built; the stronger this foundation, the higher you can go. Even winners lose sometimes; great [...]