Robert Pagliarini
What you can learn about success from Apple’s Steve Jobs
Sunday, August 29, 2010 0:02 No CommentsLove Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs or hate him, he said something at the D8 Conference last week that resonated with me. It’s a lesson that can have a profound impact on how you use the other 8 hours to create a better life. First, a bit of background. The iPhone and iPad cannot display Adobe [...]
When success doesn’t come fast enough
Friday, August 20, 2010 21:44 No CommentsThere are many ways to become famous overnight. A couple of weeks ago I told you about how Christina Perri went from working at a cafe one day to becoming an “overnight” sensation the very next. The secret to success for Christina or any artist, creative, job seeker, or entrepreneur is the same — it’s [...]