Posts Tagged ‘Attitude’
15 happiness tips from a Harvard positive psychology course
Thursday, October 11, 2018 19:32 No CommentsDid you know that at Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, the most popular and successful course teaches you how to learn to be happier? The Positive Psychology class taught by Ben Shahar attracts 1400 students per semester and 20% of Harvard graduates take this elective course. According to Ben Shahar, [...]
The right attitude unlocks long-term, sustainable success
Monday, September 12, 2011 18:18 No CommentsSuccess coach and motivation expert Brian Tracy writes in his newsletter that the key to long-term success is not factors such as education, family background, intelligence, etc. that we typically consider. Instead, he cites a study by sociologist Dr.Edward Banfield of Harvard University that showed that the main reason for “success in life was a [...]
Success traits: the characteristics of successful people
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 19:12 No CommentsWhen we think about successful people– and granted, the definition of success is very likely different for different people– it is inevitable to consider the element of “luck”. There will be “n” number of instances that seem like mere coincidences. Some people call this being in the right place at the right time; others say, [...]
The importance of mindset in creating matching results and experiences
Saturday, October 9, 2010 6:13 No CommentsMy dictionary defines mindset as “a fixed mental attitude formed by experience, education, prejudice, etc.”. The word “fixed” indicates something can’t or won’t be changed. But you are more powerful than that. Mindset means your thinking mind is set in a certain way. I like the word “set” because it means you place something in [...]
Learn from life lessons – Narayana Murthy @ Stern School of Business, 2007
Friday, September 10, 2010 8:00 No CommentsDean Cooley, faculty, staff, distinguished guests, and, most importantly, the graduating class of 2007, it is a great privilege to speak at your commencement ceremonies. I thank Dean Cooley and Prof Marti Subrahmanyam for their kind invitation. I am exhilarated to be part of such a joyous occasion. Congratulations to you, the class of 2007, [...]
Are you a professional?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:53 No CommentsHow you look, talk, write, act and work determines whether you are a professional or an amateur. Society does not emphasize the importance of professionalism, so people tend to believe that amateur work is normal. Many businesses accept less-than-good results.