Posts Tagged ‘self discipline’
Robin Sharma
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 23:57 No CommentsRobin Sharma is a highly successful author known globally for churning out bestselling books on personal development and leadership. He became a global phenomenon when his book ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ topped the international bestseller chart recording a sale of millions of copies. He has written a total of 11 books and undertaken [...]
Use the power of self-discipline to unlock success
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 19:14 No CommentsSelf-discipline is the key to success in almost every aspect of life. Here are some edited excerpts of thoughts on using the power of self-discipline to achieve success from Swami Udit Chaitanya, an extremely respected and popular spiritual guru from India. Swami Chaitanya is renowned for his teachings and interpretations of the Bhagwad Gita.
The importance of inner detachment for success
Monday, September 27, 2010 5:25 No CommentsWe are often told that success requires motivation, desire and ambition, but there is another important ingredient, and this is inner detachment. I hear you now saying, “What has inner detachment to do with success? Isn’t detachment a state of indifference? How can one attain success with such a state of mind?”
Develop your will power and achieve the unthinkable!
Friday, September 24, 2010 2:03 No CommentsBe willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.’ —Peter McWilliams Will power is your inner strength to make decisions and act on them regardless of internal resistances. The Power of Will exists to help you cope with life’s challenges. [...]
Developing will power and self discipline
Monday, August 30, 2010 2:18 3 CommentsMost people admire and respect strong individuals, who have won great success by manifesting will power and self discipline. They admire people, who with sheer will power, self discipline and ambition, have improved their life, learned new skills, overcame difficulties and hardships, reduced their weight, rose high in their chosen field or advanced on the [...]
Learning Chanakya’s lessons from James Bond
Thursday, August 26, 2010 18:45 No CommentsAs a child I was enamoured by the famous line “My name is Bond… James Bond…” and saw some of his movies. But I never believed such a character could exist in real life. But over the last few years since I started learning and teaching Chanakya’s ideas, my views of Mr. Bond have changed. [...]
Success and the 10,000 hour rule
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 19:44 No CommentsThere are no shortcuts to success — that’s a theme that we will come up with again and again. By success, we mean enduring success and not a fleeting one which can be, at best, termed as being lucky rather than being successful.
The Three Factors of Time
Saturday, August 8, 2009 22:40 No CommentsOrganize Your Life Around Your Family, Your Career and Your Personal Goals You need to stand back on a regular basis and analyze yourself, your life and your time usage. You need to become a master of your time rather than a slave to continuing time pressures.
The Efficiency Curve
Friday, August 7, 2009 22:34 No CommentsThe more you discipline yourself to working non-stop on a single task, the more you move down the “Efficiency Curve.” You get more and more high quality work done in less and less time.
Self-Discipline for Success
Thursday, July 30, 2009 18:40 No CommentsThere is one special quality that you can develop that will guarantee you greater success, accomplishment and happiness in life. Of a thousand principles for success developed over the ages, this one quality or practice will do more to assure that you accomplish wonderful things with your life than anything else. This quality is so [...]